'What about land ownership, Judge Warioba?'

Judge Joseph warioba
A Countrywide survey carried out by this paper has shown that many Tanzanians have received the proposed Constitution launched on Monday with mixed feelings, some saying the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) has done a commendable job and others differing.

However, some remained pessimistic on the land ownership issue, which they said, does not feature anywhere in the draft.

Besides, those interviewed have warned politicians (power mongers) who might wish to interfere with the constitutional councils’ undertakings.

Other people expressed fear that the draft should not be endorsed by the Constitutional Assembly because some MPs are likely to suggest that some areas that they think will deny them positions should be removed from the suggested items.

Others have proposed Tanganyika to become the official name of the Mainland government instead of Tanzania Mainland.

Prince Mwaihojo, who is Mbeya chairman of Students’ Forum said that the committee had forgotten to highlight the issue of land ownership, saying that they will not remain silent on this.

He said land ownership was a sensitive matter that must be included in the Constitution, a move that would do away with the prevailing disputes and conflicts over land possession.

He added that land ownership has become a source of conflict and war in many countries in Africa.

So, the failure by CRC to include it the Constitutional draft has not answered some of the questions which the citizens aired when the Commission was collecting their views, he said.

“Chief Mirambo and Kinjektile Ngwale fought agisnt the colonialists so as to defend their ancestors’ land. Tanzanians must realize that the land issue is not an issue to ignore,” he said.

For his part, Boyid Mwabulanga said that the Constitutional draft was good because it had answered many of the people’s questions.
He said it has thrown out all the details available in the current constitution which were nuisance.

Interviewed Dar es Salaam residents for their part, said they were worried that the Parliament would not approve that Constitutional draft because some MPs would want some of the suggested aspects to be removed for their own interests.

Peter Mosha, who resides at Buguruni applauded the CRC for the wonderful job they have done for the benefit of the nation.

“It will be a wonderful Constitution if endorsed by the Parliament as it is,” he stressed.
Shabani Juma of Mwenge in Dar es Salaam said that he never imagined that it would come out that way as there were plenty of complaints at the time when the Commission was collecting the views.

“I traveled all the way from Kibaha to Dar es Salaam just to attend the launch of the draft at Karimjee grounds to see unveiling of a new era in Tanzanian history,” said Ali MOhammed, a resident of Maili Moja in Kibaha, Coast Region.

Ali said that there was no wisdom in advocating a breakup of the Union because “we will be disrespectful to the founders of our nation, the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere and Abeid Karume who fought to unite.”

In Zanzibar, thiose interviewed warned politicians not interfere with the view of the wananchi when they discuss the draft in the councils saying issues of the Constitution are for the people and not for political parties, civil society and other institutions.

Zanzibar CCM deputy secretary Vuai Ali Vuai said the draft will help to eliminate the prevailing Union problems and improve the basis of peace and unity for the two countries.

In Arusha Senior lecturer at Mount Meru University Dr Simon Kadigumira proposed that Tanganyika should become the official name of Tanzania Mainland and not Tanzania Mainland as suggested.

The process of preparing the new constitution has just started after the Commission announced the draft on Monday.

The draft will now be sent to the Constitutional councils which will also discuss it before another draft is prepared by the Commission.

The second draft will be subjected to a people’s vote—referendum—before being submitted to the Constitutional Assembly for final endorsement.

Famous musician Ali Choki, who owns Extra Bongo Band, said the draft does not include matters pertaining to creativity, particularly the works of arts.

“I do not think that the Constitutional draft is in our favour as musicians because in the first place we are not mentioned and we were not invited to give our views,” he lamented.

Mohamed Khalfan who spoke on behalf of the Dar es Salaam Merchants’ Chamber said the most important constitutional issue and provision is the citizens’ basic rights and not anything else