Infant Baby Flushed Down In Toilet Pipe After Student Gives Birth And Runs

A young female student in a university in china reportedly gave birth to a baby girl and flushed her down the toilet pipe.

According to eyewitness reports, the girl has been hiding the pregnancy from the start and when she gave birth she decided to flush the baby down , but unfortunately for her, the toilet pipe wasn’t wide enough for the baby to be flushed down . After flushing the new-born she she ran away and the baby started crying immediately and other students in the hostel called for help to rescue her

But firemen were unable to rescue the child from above (pictured during the rescue mission).Fire Brigade spokesman Tao Fang told a local newspaper: read their statement .
“It was impossible to get the baby out from above. She had fallen into the toilet and gone down the pipes were she had got stuck between the third and fourth floors. We used an angle grinder to break open the pipeline on the third floor and we could then push the child up to colleagues on the fourth floor where she was handed to medics who were waiting to take her to hospital.”
The mother of the child was tracked down by police men and was rushed to the hospital